Amerasia Book Review Guidelines

Book Review Guidelines for Amerasia Journal

1. The review should be 800 to 1000 words in length.  Please include word count at the top of the first page.

2. The review should be submitted in typewritten copy, double-spaced.  You should submit your review via email attachment, in Microsoft Word .doc format.  Please email Book Reviews Editor Arnold Pan at

3. The heading for the review should follow the following format.  Please note all the elements that are needed for publication:

Title; Author/s, editor/s; City, State: Publisher’s name, Date of publication; Number of pages (last printed number page); Hardcover or softcover and respective price.  If you are working from a publisher’s review copy, the publisher’s letter usually contains all of this information if you cannot find it on the book.  For example:

Counterpoint:  Perspectives on Asian America.  Edited by Emma Gee.  (Los Angeles:  UCLA Asian American Studies Center, 1976.  595 pp.  hardcover, $19.95; softcover, $10.95).

4. Write your review with two goals in mind, namely to report basic information about the book and, more importantly, to evaluate the book.  Do not abstract the book, but be sure to indicate the range and nature of its contents.  The exact information will vary according to the kind of book, but in all cases it includes the book’s purpose or main theme, and the way in which the author(s) seeks to achieve the purpose or develop the theme.  Summarize the book’s main conclusions but be brief.  Place the book in the perspective of related literature by comparing it with other books on similar topics.

5. Avoid quoting long passages from the book you are reviewing.  Paraphrase when possible.  Always give the page number of the quote in parenthesis.

6. Because Amerasia Journal is an interdisciplinary publication, please avoid overly technical language understandable to only a few specialists.

7. Avoid using references and footnotes.  If a quotation from another work is absolutely necessary, please incorporate the reference into the text.  The form of the reference should be:

(Charles Wollenberg, All Deliberate Speed: Segregation and Exclusion in California Schools, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976).

8. We reserve the right to edit reviews for style, concision, and consistency.

9. We will send you a copy of the issue of Amerasia which contains your book review, along with three offprints.  Two copies of your book review will be sent to the publishers of the book.  You are entitled to keep the book which you review.

Please send your completed review by email to:

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